Oct. 02, 2020

Fundraiser Update


It’s good news Friday from the LRA PA! We have so much to be grateful for this first Friday in October. Two wildly successful fundraisers, the return on the Lunch Program and LS Pizza Friday and an amazing fall on the horizon.

Our Fall Mumkins Sale was an overwhelming success! Our school sold 793 mums, candles and plant pokes and profited $4,282.00 with $553.25 going to the DaVinci House! Wow! Mums will be available for pick up on Monday, October 5th after 3:45pm in the south end of the Upper School lot. Mums will be organized by last name, please look for signage. We will be there until 6pm. If you need to make special arrangements for pickup, email Belinda at lraroyalsinfo@gmail.com.

Our FUNDrive was also a great success! Thank you to all the families that donated items in the spring and fall. Special thank you to the loading team who hauled hundreds of pounds of clothing, dishes, toys, and more from the Huesinger House to Savers: Tony Gleason, Dadi Nanut, and Tom Dake. Our school raised $1,365 just by cleaning out our closets! Awesome! And, thanks to Anca Obid for organizing another successful FunDrive!